Happy Spring!
Monday, May 28, 2007
Stanley Cup Finals
Our family photo with one of the props they had outside the Honda Center. It was a GIGANTIC Ducks hockey player!
Here I am sitting on the ground waiting for our will call tickets with my Cheerios trail mix. When I was sitting here I saw a bunch of Teemu's buddies from Finland! They posed for a picture but were smoking so I couldn't get in the photo that ended up being posted online with an article about Teemu and his buddies coming over for this special event since it's Teemu's 1st time to the Stanley Cup Finals.
Mmmmm.....Pizza for dinner. This is my 1st time eating pizza like this. I'm a big girl now and want to eat whatever Mommy & Daddy are eating and I don't want it cut up in little pieces anymore. I want to do it how they do it! Yummy!
Here's our Governor of California, Arnold Schwarzenegger, dropping the puck as honorary puck dropper.
The special flags are posted for the finals!
This is a poly truck that Mommy's company gave to the Ducks to use. They bring it out onto the ice during breaks to shovel up any excess ice and it promotes Miller Lite. They gave them a black & orange one right before all the playoffs began and they finally started using it at the finals. Go R&B Wire Products, Inc.!
Sunday, May 27, 2007
Memorial Day Weekend & Uncle Al & Som's Birthday
Dippin' carrots with Ong Ngoai! Yum, yum!
I borrowed Uncle's hat and put it on backwards....it's the current style isn't it?
Here I am with my girlfriends....Rachee & Mia. We're playing in my new playroom...the garage! There was plenty of room and toys to make a big mess alright!
The 3-some are back at it again! We're all cozy on my chair with our cookies! Sugar-high...Need energy food to keep playing!
Happy Birthday Auntie Som & Uncle Alan! Yum, yum cake from King's Hawaiian!
Thursday, May 24, 2007
16-months with Mr. Bear
Why is he sitting in my chair?
It's okay, I share my chair with you Mr. Bear, hug and squeeze!
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Brush, Brush, Brush!
Monday, May 21, 2007
My Baby!
Go get baby, milk or whatever else we tell her to pretty much get
Kiss, kiss
Hug & Squeeze whoever and even all her bear and animal friends
Love Ong Ngoai (Grandpa) which I start rubbing my cheek against Ong Ngoai
"Hi" & "Bye" but I start waving and have only tried to say "Hi" it once or twice
Blow kisses
Hi 5's
Feed my fishy's
Say "Thank you" by bowing. I understand it in English, Vietnamese & Ong Ngoai just taught me to bow when he says "Arigato"!
Sunday, May 20, 2007
Diggin' my fork in to get some chicken and noodles all on my own!
Mmmmmmmm! Angel hair pasta & chicken! YUM! YUM!
Saturday, May 19, 2007
It's the Big Tub!
Daddy's Tourney
Here I am with my friend Taylor pushing me around in my car!
I even shared my car with Kalea and Taylor and we all took turns to ride in it even though they were too big and hard to push around, but we had a blast!
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Great Grandma......
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Mommy's Day
I'm busy eating my bread while trying to pose for a Mommy's Day photo with Ba Ngoai & Mommy.
Kisses & love for my Ba Ngoai! Mooouah!
Our family photo, but again I'm too busy to pose for a photo since I'm eating my yummy bread!
Me with Auntie Som & Uncle Alan. Let's see what kind of food they have down here.....
I'm all wet from playing in the water fountain with Auntie Janai my favorite Auntie of the day since she fed me pears, let me walk across the table at the restaurant, took me to watch the lobsters & crabs and let me play in the water fountain! Now I'm with Uncle Binh all wet and thirsty for my milk! What a fun day I had! I hope you had as much fun as I did Mommy!
Saturday, May 12, 2007
Fender Bender
Daddy rushed over to the scene while we were already taken to Hoag in the ambulance. Daddy called Mommy and she rushed all the way to the hospital from Menifee. Grandpa got released the same day and all tests came back fine so it'll just take some time for him to heal the bumps and bruises.
Here is the rear of our truck. Doesn't look so good but it's all fixable!
Same with the door, will just need to be replaced since it won't close.
Here I am with my HB fire puppy that the ambulance gave me since I screamed and was not a very happy girl at all in the ambulance car seat. The doc checked my blood pressure and everything else just to make sure I really was okay and I am. I hope you get better soon Grandpa! Thanks for taking me to tumbling and so sorry for our accident. That's what it is just an accident and we're all very lucky that everything's going to be okay.