Happy Mommy's Day! My sweet, sweet girls! We had a nice day together! We are wearing matching outfits that we just couldn't resist from our recent family vacation to Hawaii. Love Cinnamon Girl! |
Grandma opening up the "MOM" chipboard album I made her for Mother's Day! It turned out super cute!
Daddy and his girl Myleeboo at dinner. Fun Teppanyaki! Great choice to keep my antsy Mylee entertained.
Mommy and Makerdoodle!
Having some fun at dinner with Grandma! I really missed my mom since she was on her trip to Vietnam, Malaysia and Thailand. First Mommy's Day without her but I know she's having a blast!
Our only family picture on Mommy's Day with Mak being silly and giving me some bunny ears.
After a full meal and nice night out, my girls continuing to be silly gooses!
My new lens from my awesome hubby! Thanks babe!