Tonight I got to go to another Anaheim Ducks hockey playoff game. This was round 2, home game 2 against the Vancouver Cannucks. Grandma & Granpa Arakaki, Uncle Alan & Auntie Som joined us too. It was such a fun family outting! I was all pepped up and loved all the cheering and especially the Togo's blimp that flies around during intermission. Mommy & Daddy have been taking me so much lately that when they start cheering "Let's go Ducks!" I start clapping my hands and cheering too. I think I picked it up pretty quickly. Too bad the Duckies lost in the 2nd OT! Boo Hoo! Score was 1 to 2. Not like Wednesday night when we won 5 to 1! It was a late night for me so good thing I got an hour nap in during the 1st period. Can't believe I was able to sleep through all that noise! And I guess my shots this morning didn't have any side effects at all!
Really, I'm super happy here, not crying even though I kind of look like it. I'm cheering and being super silly.
Our family photo really up close to the ice in all our Duckie Gear!
hahaha, I knew she was happy! That is still a funny pic of her laughing! :) Makes me laugh too!
Makayla's pic laughing is soo funny. Reminds me how much fun she had. Very impressive. I had so much fun too. Can't wait for the next game. Let's go Ducks!!!
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