Happy Spring!

Welcome to The Arakaki "Ohana" (family) blog! We hope you enjoy all our updates! It's a neat way to keep all our family & friends up to speed with what we're up to without bombarding you with constant emails and pictures. It's a view at your convenience so we hope you save us to your favorites! Makayla & Mylee are just growing way too fast for us! We have a lot going on so come back soon!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

OC Fair - Say Cheese!

It's time for the OC Fair again. The theme this year is to "Say Cheese!" This is really a tradition for us. We go every year for a little bit on a weekday in the evening after work. But this year it seems to be a lot funner now that Makayla really understands what's going on....I think that means more rides & games which equal a lot more money is spent at these events! She's just getting so brave, when we got there she pointed at this giant slide and said she wanted to go on it. I couldn't believe it! It was huge! Super high up and I was scared for her. They stood in line and we weren't sure if she could go on since she was slightly shorter than the height limit but Ryan just held her and they let her on. Alan & Som also joined us this year.

They survived the big slide! I video taped it with our new camera but held it the wrong way so I couldn't show you. It was great with her tongue hanging out all the way down! So funny! I'll master the video thing one of these days to upload and show you all.
Boy oh boy is she a little daredevil. Next she wanted to ride the roller coaster. She even let go of her hands and put them up while on the ride. I hope Auntie Som held onto her tight! Made Mom real nervous, but she had a blast! We can't believe how expensive all these rides are costing. They've gone to a new card system where you add $$ to it and then it requires a certain number of points for each ride and boy are they high and it goes quick!
Som, Alan, Makayla, Daddy & that's Mylee sleeping in her stroller. Just hanging out on the hay having some popcorn. After we already had some roasted corn and shared an awesome blossom. Junk food here we come! Isn't that what the fair is all about? Then we don't feel good and wonder why?!
Makayla found a pony ride and this was a good one. It was a little pricey but they let her ride for almost 15 minutes or it felt like it anyways. She loved the pony ride and was smiling the whole time. And each round she passed by us she would wave every time!
Having another snack on our way out. These were Australian battered potatoes. Auntie Som loves potatoes and so does Makayla so they had to try it. It's yummy to dip with ranch and cheese. Good thing we did a lot of walking to work all this food off! Now to the shops and home! It's a late night for Auntie and Uncle since they wake up and go to work so early so I think we've kept them up enough for a week night.

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