Happy Spring!

Welcome to The Arakaki "Ohana" (family) blog! We hope you enjoy all our updates! It's a neat way to keep all our family & friends up to speed with what we're up to without bombarding you with constant emails and pictures. It's a view at your convenience so we hope you save us to your favorites! Makayla & Mylee are just growing way too fast for us! We have a lot going on so come back soon!

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Mylee 11-Months Old with Mr. Pooh Bear

She's weighing in at 18.5lbs and 28" tall.  Not much has really changed with her from last month to this month.  The crawling is definitely faster now and she's getting around everywhere in the house and so curious!  She's also very loud an vocal when it comes to her wanting something, especially her food!

My oh so happy girl with such a big smile and laugh for us today!  Oh and now I can put some clips in her hair that kind of stay.  So cute!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Grandparents Day at Preschool

It is a special Grandparents Day at Makayla's preschool today.  Grandma Arakaki decided to go and take Auntie Helen with her since she's still visiting us from Hawaii.  My mom decided to just stay back home to watch Mylee Bear.  Both Grandma's do get to see Makayla's school all the time since they both pick her up.  But it was just a nice little treat for them to play with Makayla there.  She gets so excited to share her school and art with us!

Looks like Auntie Helen helping her out with a craft.

She's concentrating hard on putting those beads on the wire pipes.  Are they bracelets she made?  Not sure since when I got home they were all taken apart in a bowl.

One of her teachers, Miss. Cassie.  She's so sweet!

Now it' playtime outside!  She's showing off to Grandma and Auntie what she does during their outside playtime.  
She's a monkey for sure!
It's the shopping baskets time to slide now.
Playing with her best friend Jordan!  Makayla's Grandma and Auntie took care of Jordan today also since her Grandparents couldn't make it.  They had fun together as usual!

Jordan and Makayla again.  Looks like they are playing in the sandbox.  Too bad there are not actual photos of Grandma and Makayla on Grandparents Day at school.  She was too busy taking the photos!  Makayla made cute cards for the Grandparents too.  Even the one's that couldn't make it there and for Grandpa's too!  Thanks Grandma and Auntie for being there with her today!  It's much appreciated and she loves it!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Chinaman Kuo Visits

My bud Preston is visiting from China.  He use to work for me in our sales department but moved out to China for an entrepreneur venture.  It's been about a year now and we've missed him.  He's a great guy that's full of energy and so much fun to be around!  He's only here for a few days and had everyone gather for one big party at 930 sushi in Newport.  Great little sushi restaurant that was one of his local hang outs when he lived here.  It was so good to hang out and have a few drinks with him tonight.  Miss the guy but he's doing so well and doing great things for the kids in China.  I'm so proud of him!

That's Frank my VP of Sales and Marketing, Preston and then me.  There were a few from office that couldn't make it since it was so last minute but made sure we took some pictures.  So this is for you guys!  I went solo for a few hours while Ry stayed home with our girls.  

These are my bosses kids.  Grant, which is a giant and water polo stud for Mater-Dei and his big sis Allie.  She use to work for us too when she was younger but now is a successful commercial land real estate agent and USC alum.  Good kids!  Preston was a referral from my boss.  They were neighbors so that's why he knows my bosses kids too.  So good to see you Preston! When is your next visit and can you stay a little longer?

Sunday, April 26, 2009


We took Makayla to D-land today.  It feels like it's been awhile since we've been.  We had previously made plans to go with her friend Jordan since we haven't spent that much time with them.  Everyone has been too busy so we put this date on our calendar.  We went to church and then headed over afterwards to meet up with them.  The girls had so much fun together!  We were getting ready to head out but then my cousins decided to join us so we stayed with them for a bit longer since Makayla just loves playing with her cousins.

Here are the girls waiting to for the parade.  It was some sort of street party parade.  We rarely stick around to watch them but we decided to check this one out since we were right there and it was about to start.
Look real close at this video clip to see Makayla and Alexis as they were picked to be part of the parade to be in the conga line.

They were picked again to go out and do the twist.  Not so much though.  Both girls are being so shy!  It was cute to see them out there either way.

Poor Alexis having to share her stroller with this back seat driver!  This really wasn't meant for both girls but Makayla wants to be close to Alexis when she's around.  We thought we were headed home and out again.  On our way out Makayla wanted to ride the Matterhorn and the line wasn't so bad so we waited.   While in line we bumped into our cousins again.  They joined us on the ride.  It was fun!  Ry sat out this round to be with Mylee.  She was sleeping now.  It ended up being much longer day then anticipated but so much fun as usual!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Softball Tourney

Ryan had a softball tournament today right in HB so it was local for us.  He hasn't played in one in a long time since it seems like we have something going on almost every weekend.  He plays during the week once but not tourneys.  He use to play a lot more and it was fun just to go and hang out at the park and chill.  I kind of miss those days because it's usually a pretty relaxing day or weekend depending on what type of tournament and if it's a 1 or 2 day one.  It was nice weather for us today too.  Not too cold and not too hot.  

I played at the park with Makayla for a little bit before the first game started.  She swung and swung.  She kept wanting to go higher and higher!  Then the grandparents showed up to watch the game.  Ryan's parents love to come out to these also.  Grandma really helps and plays with Makayla a lot at the park back and forth depending on what she feels like doing.
Auntie Helen is still visiting from Hawaii and joined us out here at the park.  She walked Mylee all around in the stroller.  She enjoys this time with Mylee.  Well we hung out until a few hours after lunch and just for a few games.  We got tired and headed home since the team was doing well but had too long of a break into between games.  Good thing we went home because they made it to the finals but ended up losing and didn't finish until probably 7pm.  Boo!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Ducks Playoff Game #4 vs. Sharks

Here we are at our first Ducks Stanley Cup playoff game this year against the San Jose Sharks!  Ryan got center ice tickets in the uppers but still real good!  Anywhere in Honda Center is a good seat to me!  We just love going to the Ducks games!  So much fun, especially a playoff game!  Even better that we won 4-0!  Wooped them!  The crowd was on their feet!  Scored 2 in teh 2nd and 2 more in the 3rd!  What a blowout game!  So worth it to be there live!

Us in all our gear!  We had to leave Mylee home since it was going to be a late night and cold.  Plus it's a lot harder to bring 2 to the game then just 1.  And now Makayla really understands going to the game and likes it a lot!  She's cute, she loves the Ducks and will tell her favorite player is Ryan Getzlaf.  She gets sad when I get tix from vendors and it's just me and Ry and she can't go.

Auntie Som and Uncle Alan joined the fun too!  Makayla sharing her popcorn.  Go Ducks!  

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Mylee Pulls Up

Our Mylee is getting so big and doing so much so quickly all of a sudden.  She's now able to pull herself up onto her knees.  She loves and starts to bounce, bounce, bounce.  I think she's so excited to be able to do something new like this.  She was slow to sit on her own and then now she's just doing one thing after the next fairly quickly.  Only about 6 more weeks until she turns ONE!  Let's see if she'll start to stand.  I kind of think soooooo!
Kneeling up in her pack and play and getting very, very mobil and curious!

Kneeling in front her favorite toy!  The piano.  This was given to Makayla by Uncle Alan when she was a baby and was one of her favorites also.  I really think Mylee is enjoying it much, much more!  She bounces and is so excited when she hears the music go!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Bugs Life Ballet

Grandma Jennie got us tickets to go see a little ballet show at the library tonight.  It was a cute Bugs Life story and so cute with all the little one's in their bug costumes.  Makayla had fun naming off all the bugs.  The ballet has performances by kids from probably ages 4 all the way up to 17.  We enjoyed it and it supported the local ballet school that Makayla might be attending one day.  She currently takes a class through the city and will eventually end up here if she continues to enjoy it as much.  We'll see.  She's always telling us all the different color tutu's that she wants and always twirling around on her toes!  Very cute!  I think we might have a little ballerina on our hands.  

Monday, April 20, 2009

Sea World

We took today off to spend with some family that was suppose to be here from Hawaii but unfortunately they had to cancel their trip.  It was too bad that they missed the wedding.  So we had  a weekday to play down in San Diego with our girls at Sea World!  This is Makayla's 2nd trip but Mylee's 1st visit so super special!  It was a pretty warm day down there but good thing it's by the water so there were occasional breezes!

Our 1st stop was Makayla's choice.  I don't know if she heard or saw the Sea Lions.  She noticed the feeding station and of course asked Daddy if he'd buy some stinky fish for her to feed them.  He did and then she just wanted him to feed them while she watched.  She's really not into stinky fish but likes the idea a lot if someone else is doing it.  It was cute if you can see the Sea Lion just waiting for them to drop the fishy's into his mouth.  They had to be careful though since the birds are so aggressive there.  If you don't cover your food it'll be gone before you can actually feed the Sea Lions.
I was just sitting there chillin' out with Mylee and watching Makayla and Daddy and then she joined us after she was over the whole feeding thing.  Mylee really enjoyed watching the sea lions too!  New things for her so she was curious! Then we headed over the the Sea Lion/Otter show first.  It was cute!  They changed it up from the last time we saw it.  Seamore is still Seamore!  For some reason I don't have any photos from this 1st show.  My hubby's slacking! haha!  He always does a good job on photos for us so I guess we'll give him a little break.
Mommy and her girls waiting for the Shamu show to start!  Makayla is really excited!
Now Daddy's got his girls!  Mylee actually wore her sun hat for only a little bit!  It was hot and I didn't want them to burn, so lots of sunscreen and hat when I could for her but she kept pulling it off.
My happy Mylee Bear!  She's grunting at Shamu!
Big jumps from Shamu!  Ry got some good action shots!
Big claps up in the air from Makayla for Shamu!  She really had a blast at this show!
We took a little break in the shade so I could feed Mylee a little bit.  We hung out by the dolphins but you can't feed them anymore.  There's some construction going on and a special pass that you have to buy to be able to swim and feed them.  Makayla's too young anyways.  But they did tell us to come back later and we might see them after all the classes are done.  We'll be back for sure since Makayla loves the dolphins and was disappointed.  She remembers feeding them last year. 
After lunch we headed over to the little aquarium and the star fish pools.  She was still brave as usual and loved touching and holding them.  
If you look real close, you'll see the Honu's (water turtle in Hawaiian).  Makayla loves Honu's also ever since she saw and learned about them in Hawaii last year.
We're back to check out the dolphins and sure enough they were in the water swimming around.  Makayla put her hand in the water to wait and pet them but they never came up.  They were probably all full from the training classes they had.  She was okay with just seeing them swim by that close to her.  Maybe when we head back this year the feeding stations will be open again.
We're close to ending the day but we had to check out the new Elmo section.  There were some really cute rides and fun water areas for the kids.  Here we are on a little Elmo fishy ride.  She enjoyed pulling the knob to go up and down, up and down.
Now it's time to get dizzy with Daddy.  Mylee had been asleep so she couldn't do much but she woke up just in time to go on this with me but they wouldn't let her on.  Even if we just sat on it without spinning.  Boy they're strict!  Oh well.  We're calling it a full day now!  Tired and we did a lot.  Most of it but we took it easy since our passes are now good all year long.  So no need to rush it all today.  It was nice since it's Monday so it wasn't too crowded at all.  Too bad Janai and my brother were both working or we would've met up with them for dinner.  Sorry guys, super last minute trip!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Brunch/Dinner & D-land

It's the day after the wedding and it's still beautiful out!  We decided at the last minute this week that we should just stay the night at the hotel after the wedding.  Good thing we did since that let us stay out and dance until midnight with the rest of the party crew and be able to just walk upstairs to put our girls down and crash too!  Plus we got to drink and not have to worry about a thing.   So much fun!

This was our view from the room.  It was gorgeous!  That's the beach right in front of us!  Makayla just chilling with her water outside on the patio.
We met up with everyone for some lunch on the property.  Nice little restaurant that had  a little bit of everything.  Here's Makayla with her friend, Amber, they were just buds all last night and then today too!  Makayla seems to like playing with the older girls.

Mylee chillin' with Dad.  It was nice to eat out at the outdoor patio.  She fell asleep when lunch came out so we had to take turns.  No stroller our car seat with us this morning.  Everything loaded up in the car with the bell boy.  It was nice to see everyone the morning after, but we were all pretty zonked!  

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Alan & Som's Wedding

Okay, so to warn you before you start reading this post that it's a long one!  Lots and lots of special pictures for our family!  I just couldn't resist all the great photos from this very, very special day!  Congratulations to Alan & Som, the new Mr. & Mrs. Arakaki!  After everyone was all dolled up and ready, it was time for the photo session to begin!  It was an absolutely gorgeous day and it couldn't be anymore perfect for everything!

Isn't she just the cutest thing ever?!

The bride and her entourage!  All those flowers are just absolutely stunning for this pictures.  Love, love all the pretty colors!  These photos are taken right before the wedding ceremony so we got them all out of the way so the guest wouldn't have to wait too long afterwards.

More pictures of all the beautiful ladies and our little princess!

Now it was the exclusive photo session for each person with the bride individually.  Bridesmaids and family got the special pleasure!  It's Som and her little mini!  Their dresses matched so nicely!  So cute!

The Arakaki girls!
Som, with her new mother-in-law Jennie and her real mommy, Marcy on each side of her!  What a wonderful day for her mom who came all the way over from Thailand.

After the girls had their photo session, we met up with all the guys!  Here's Daddy and his little princess!  They are looking good together!  So cute!  

Right before all the groomsmen and bridesmaids got together for the photos, there was the meeting of the bride and groom.  It was so awesome the way they set it up because they wanted to take their photos together before the ceremony.  Alan had is back turned away waiting for Som to come up to him in her beautiful wedding gown that he hasn't seen yet!  We were all busy watching the moment that none of us took any pictures!  Darn!  I'm really not describing it well enough.  One of those had to be there moments.   So after all that were more great photos but of the bridal part together!
This was a cool shot of them all walking towards us arm in arm!  Even my little girl was holding hands with the ring bearer!  So adorable!  I'm so, so proud of her because she really was awesome for all of the photos.  She had big pretty smiles in all of them!  I wasn't sure since she didn't get a nap in but she was just perfect for her Auntie and Uncle!
Ong Ngoai and Ba Ngoai finally arrived with baby Mylee right before the ceremony started.  Just in time!  Grandma was waiting for Mylee to to wake up from her nap so they really got there in the nick of time.  It was so close I had to change her right in the lobby.  But there's time for a photo of the girls with their Grandparents.
It's finally time for the wedding ceremony.  So much went on before the big moment!  Here's my little flower girl walking down the aisle.  It was so beautiful the flower pedals and all even though she didn't toss any! haha!  But she made it all the way down, that's what's important.
Finally the vows!  Let's get married already!  It was the perfect ceremony!  Beautiful skies, not too hot not too cold and the ocean breeze right in front of us!  It was quick!  Short and sweet but they incorporated some Hawaiian culture and a little Thai culture to their ceremony.  Some sweet leis and flowers for each of the parents.

She was resting a bit and being silly with her cousins and little friends sitting behind us.  

Resting time is up now since the new Mr. & Mrs. Arakaki have been announced as husband and wife!  Now the kids have to walk back up the aisle for the ending of the ceremony.  Now it's time for more photos.  It's the full family photos now!
Good thing they took care of all the other photos beforehand with the bridal party together or this would've taken forever!
Makayla and her buddy Rachee!  

Us and Mylee bear!  Where's Makayla?  Too busy playing with her girlfriends as usual!

It's cocktail time!  Here are all the Scrap Queens and our honorary member, Melanie in the purple, black and white.  Hopefully she'll scrap with us soon!  She use to just join us for wine and girl talk.
My so very classy friends put this on my camera so I had to post it!  Hope they don't get mad at me!  But it was too funny!  That's my best friends Melanie and Stacy!  Always so silly.  Wonder if they've been drinking yet?  Most likely!  But they'd do this sober too!
Grandma and sweet Mylee at the reception.  She was such a happy girl and was awake for all the important things!  Especially the yummy lobster bisque!  The food was awesome!  She really didn't fall asleep till pretty late when everyone was done eating and the dancing had already started!  Couldn't believe she just slept right through with all the loud music and noise.  Made it easy so we could dance and enjoy ourselves too.
My girl was a dancing machine all night.  There's Uncle Nate boogieing down! 
This was one of the funniest moments!  Som busted out her MC Hammer moves!  I don't think Alan can keep up with that girl!  This was a side I haven't seen before and it was so flipping funny!  In her evening gown and flip flops!  Priceless moments and memories!

Why is Ry strangling is bud Naters?  They must be rockin' out!  It was such a fun evening and the best wedding we've ever been involved in besides our own!  haha!  Thanks for letting us be such a big part in your big day!  It was absolutely perfect!  I know I keep saying that but it was!  Worth every stinkin' penny for all the good times!  Welcome to the family, we couldn't be happier to have you be a part of the Arakaki's!