Happy Spring!

Welcome to The Arakaki "Ohana" (family) blog! We hope you enjoy all our updates! It's a neat way to keep all our family & friends up to speed with what we're up to without bombarding you with constant emails and pictures. It's a view at your convenience so we hope you save us to your favorites! Makayla & Mylee are just growing way too fast for us! We have a lot going on so come back soon!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Sea World

We took today off to spend with some family that was suppose to be here from Hawaii but unfortunately they had to cancel their trip.  It was too bad that they missed the wedding.  So we had  a weekday to play down in San Diego with our girls at Sea World!  This is Makayla's 2nd trip but Mylee's 1st visit so super special!  It was a pretty warm day down there but good thing it's by the water so there were occasional breezes!

Our 1st stop was Makayla's choice.  I don't know if she heard or saw the Sea Lions.  She noticed the feeding station and of course asked Daddy if he'd buy some stinky fish for her to feed them.  He did and then she just wanted him to feed them while she watched.  She's really not into stinky fish but likes the idea a lot if someone else is doing it.  It was cute if you can see the Sea Lion just waiting for them to drop the fishy's into his mouth.  They had to be careful though since the birds are so aggressive there.  If you don't cover your food it'll be gone before you can actually feed the Sea Lions.
I was just sitting there chillin' out with Mylee and watching Makayla and Daddy and then she joined us after she was over the whole feeding thing.  Mylee really enjoyed watching the sea lions too!  New things for her so she was curious! Then we headed over the the Sea Lion/Otter show first.  It was cute!  They changed it up from the last time we saw it.  Seamore is still Seamore!  For some reason I don't have any photos from this 1st show.  My hubby's slacking! haha!  He always does a good job on photos for us so I guess we'll give him a little break.
Mommy and her girls waiting for the Shamu show to start!  Makayla is really excited!
Now Daddy's got his girls!  Mylee actually wore her sun hat for only a little bit!  It was hot and I didn't want them to burn, so lots of sunscreen and hat when I could for her but she kept pulling it off.
My happy Mylee Bear!  She's grunting at Shamu!
Big jumps from Shamu!  Ry got some good action shots!
Big claps up in the air from Makayla for Shamu!  She really had a blast at this show!
We took a little break in the shade so I could feed Mylee a little bit.  We hung out by the dolphins but you can't feed them anymore.  There's some construction going on and a special pass that you have to buy to be able to swim and feed them.  Makayla's too young anyways.  But they did tell us to come back later and we might see them after all the classes are done.  We'll be back for sure since Makayla loves the dolphins and was disappointed.  She remembers feeding them last year. 
After lunch we headed over to the little aquarium and the star fish pools.  She was still brave as usual and loved touching and holding them.  
If you look real close, you'll see the Honu's (water turtle in Hawaiian).  Makayla loves Honu's also ever since she saw and learned about them in Hawaii last year.
We're back to check out the dolphins and sure enough they were in the water swimming around.  Makayla put her hand in the water to wait and pet them but they never came up.  They were probably all full from the training classes they had.  She was okay with just seeing them swim by that close to her.  Maybe when we head back this year the feeding stations will be open again.
We're close to ending the day but we had to check out the new Elmo section.  There were some really cute rides and fun water areas for the kids.  Here we are on a little Elmo fishy ride.  She enjoyed pulling the knob to go up and down, up and down.
Now it's time to get dizzy with Daddy.  Mylee had been asleep so she couldn't do much but she woke up just in time to go on this with me but they wouldn't let her on.  Even if we just sat on it without spinning.  Boy they're strict!  Oh well.  We're calling it a full day now!  Tired and we did a lot.  Most of it but we took it easy since our passes are now good all year long.  So no need to rush it all today.  It was nice since it's Monday so it wasn't too crowded at all.  Too bad Janai and my brother were both working or we would've met up with them for dinner.  Sorry guys, super last minute trip!

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