Happy Spring!

Welcome to The Arakaki "Ohana" (family) blog! We hope you enjoy all our updates! It's a neat way to keep all our family & friends up to speed with what we're up to without bombarding you with constant emails and pictures. It's a view at your convenience so we hope you save us to your favorites! Makayla & Mylee are just growing way too fast for us! We have a lot going on so come back soon!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

The Backyardigans

I took Makayla to see The Backyardigans at the OCPA center today.  Ry got her tickets but he couldn't join us because he was playing a big softball tournament.  It saved us some $$ too since these tickets do start to add up when we both go with her.  It was a fun mother/daughter day.  Thanks to Grandma for watching Mylee for me too.  Makayla started getting into these guys about 6-months ago.  Not sure what they really are, I think one is a moose, penguin, hippo and ?.   They have a cute theme song that she knows pretty well and she likes to watch their DVD's too.  The story today was about them and the Tale of the Might Knights.  Cute little story about The Backyardigans (Knights) protecting and egg that turned into a dragon.  

Makayla's first show at the OCPA center.  The crowd wasn't as fun as the Long Beach crowd where she's seen most of her other shows.
Sitting in her very own big girl seat waiting so nicely for the show to start.  She's got Tyrone, one of the characters in her hand and her little twinkle, twinkle star light.  They also gave us shields too to help them protect the King's egg.

This was the only picture I was able to get of them since it was prohibited to take any photos.  But of course I was able to sneak a few in and not get arrested.

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