Happy Spring!

Welcome to The Arakaki "Ohana" (family) blog! We hope you enjoy all our updates! It's a neat way to keep all our family & friends up to speed with what we're up to without bombarding you with constant emails and pictures. It's a view at your convenience so we hope you save us to your favorites! Makayla & Mylee are just growing way too fast for us! We have a lot going on so come back soon!

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Thanksgiving Day!

Well, it's our 3rd annual Thanksgiving Feast with the Arakaki's, Ly, Watkins & Bui Family!  It's where all the families get together so we don't have to split up during this special day!  The Watkins come all the way from Hanford, CA (close to Fresno) to join us.  Even Aunt Judy makes it too!  What a treat!  It's absolutely lots of fun getting everyone to pitch in for this big feast by each bringing a dish to our Clubhouse. Yes, the family is that big that we need the Clubhouse.  Well, it just makes it roomer so we can actually all eat together.  We are all very Thankful to have each other.  We are very blessed to have a wonderful family!
My M&M girls in their pretty dresses!  Mylee also started grabbing onto her bottle today.  I think she's going to start holding it on her own pretty soon now.
We managed to get a family photo in while Mylee was awake!  

The girls with my parents.  So happy!

Our annual turkey fryer chef...my brother Binh!  His fried turkeys are so yummy!  Nice and crispy and the seasoning is awesome!

The Bui family picture.  Good looking family.
Alan & Som by the nice fall floral arangement.  This is the first time Som was able to join us.  They were visiting her mom last year in Thailand.  So happy they could both be here with us this year!  

The Watkins all the way from Hanford.  Janai's (my brother's wife) parents.  They are the nicest couple!  
Janai & Aunt Judy, she came all the way down from Handford also.  She's famous for making our floral arrangement center pieces.  She's a great artist!

We had a special treat request today, to use Makayla's grace that she says at school before eating.  This is usually done by Mike Watkins, which he did but this place mat that Makayla made for her school Thanksgiving feast was copied for everyone to use today.  She felt so special and it was so cute.  We stand around in a circle and hold hands to say it.  We are all very Thankful that we had this awesome food to eat today!

Just a shot of our table setting for everyone.  It's even in a big T.  Again, so much fun and so pretty too!  We need to really enjoy it this year since the Watkins & my brother and Janai won't be able to make it next year.  They will be up in Hanford to spend it with Aunt Sandra that hasn't been able to make it down here the past few years.  We hope we can change their mind but we totally understand.

My Makayla grubbing away!  She really enjoyed the turkey meal!  You can tell by the big bite!

All the cousins and Auntie 9 hanging out outside after the big feast!  The girls are running around working off the food already. (Theodore & Elizabeth)
We also took this time while the whole family was together to acknowledge Janai conquering her Master's degree in Forensics Science.  We are super proud of her since this is a huge deal to complete!  All the families pitched in so she could have additional funds for her big Africa trip in 2009!  Congrats again Janai!  

One last picture finally!  Food coma after the big feast!  Sorry for all the pics but tried to get most of the family in.  There was more but I just couldn't do too many more just for one post.  We did miss Grandma Arakaki since she was under the weather.

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