Happy Spring!

Welcome to The Arakaki "Ohana" (family) blog! We hope you enjoy all our updates! It's a neat way to keep all our family & friends up to speed with what we're up to without bombarding you with constant emails and pictures. It's a view at your convenience so we hope you save us to your favorites! Makayla & Mylee are just growing way too fast for us! We have a lot going on so come back soon!

Monday, March 9, 2009

Grandma's Birthday

We celebrated Grandma Arakaki's birthday today.  It's a day late since Daddy and Uncle Alan were both out of town.  We just went out to dinner at a Korean BBQ in Cypress.  It was pretty good.  Any little excuse to go out with the family is always fun!
Makayla with her new friend Fluffy at dinner.  We'll explain Fluffy later in another post since he deserves his own post.
Mylee at dinner, she's just so happy to see the camera lately!

After dinner we headed over to Auntie & Uncle's house for some birthday cake!  Makayla's favorite part is singing and then helping with blowing out the candle!  Fun evening!  Mom, we hope you enjoyed your little birthday celebration from all of us!  We always enjoy it when we're all out together as a family!  Too bad my parents couldn't make it since it was a week day and my dad gets off of work later.

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