Happy Spring!

Welcome to The Arakaki "Ohana" (family) blog! We hope you enjoy all our updates! It's a neat way to keep all our family & friends up to speed with what we're up to without bombarding you with constant emails and pictures. It's a view at your convenience so we hope you save us to your favorites! Makayla & Mylee are just growing way too fast for us! We have a lot going on so come back soon!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Mylee's Parent and Me Swim

Told you our Tuesday wasn't done with yet.  Boy this is the busiest day ever for us.  Just the transition in classes too.  It'll get better I promise! haha!  It's Mylee's turn for her swimming lessons.  We tried to get in, in the spring but it was too full.  It might of been too cold anyways.  Well we got in for the summer through the city for a little parent & me swim class.  We're super excited to see how she does in the pool!
Here's cutie pie Mylee in  her swim suit.  This is the same one her big sis Makayla wore when she first started these same classes.  But I think Makayla might of been a little younger.

Me & my girls!  Getting ready to get in!  The city pool is indoors and heated so it's pretty nice.  The only thing is that it's full of chlorine!  And the echo when the instructors talk.  Overall though the class is great!

Yay, she loved it!  We sang a lot of the nursery rhyme songs and did little fun things with all of it!  One of our favorites was "Tick Tock" where she was thrown up in the air!  She really enjoyed all of it except for maybe "Humpty Dumpty"  I don't think she cared to be out of the pool and got cold to jump in!  I dunked her too and she did okay.  Not too bad for our first pool time!  She did so much better than Makayla when she first started these classes but then again she's a little older.  Here she is with her instructors.  I forgot their names already.  Sorry.

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