Daddy and his girls in front of the Universal Globe before heading over to the amphitheatre. I think this is our girls first time here. Last time I think Ryan & I were here was for the Sugarland and Brad Paisley concert and Makayla was just in my tummy at the time!
Them again in front of the Gibson Amphitheatre guitar sign.
Our girls in front of the Wiggles sign together. You never know what I'll want for my scrapbooks so gotta take them all!
Seated in great seats right on the aisle having some cotton candy! Yummy and again her big mouth open with a growl face for the camera. This pose seems to be pretty popular while she's eating lately.
The family picture. Not too excited but we'll take it since it's hard to get photos of all 4 of us. We always forget but try a lot of the time.
Oh finally her friend Annabelle shows up! She's been waiting and asking where Annabelle is. This is one of her school friends and one of our friends from the neighborhood that we hang out with. I workout and run with her mommy, Liz. She got us these great seats and tickets since Annabelle's loves them probably as much or even more than Makayla. her lil sis Charlotte was so into the show too and so was our little Mylee! She wanted a Dorothy hat so Daddy got her one. This girl is so spoiled!
The Wiggles start off with probably one of their most famous songs! The car song! It was so funny to see and hear all the Dad's singing along also! Good times and memorable times how our world has changed with little ones! It's all so wonderful!
Liz picked roses for the girls to give to Dorothy. For those of you that don't know the Wiggles. Dorothy the Dinosaur is one of their characters and she just loves roses so the kids always give her roses at their shows. It's very cute! Thanks for thinking of Makayla and getting her one Liz!
The show was great and now it's time for some food! Makayla kept on wanting to walk and sit down for some real food is what she said. It was fun to walk down Universal City Walk for a bit since it's been so long since we've been there. We'll have to head there another night to hang out. Preferable when it's cooler! We stopped and got yummy crepes at a little crepe store. Makayla wanted an Icee to cool off with also. We just got it to go and sat on one of the benches and ate while Mylee could walk around too. She just loves to be so mobile now! It was all so yummy for a little snack to hold us over before dinner tonight. Afterwards we got some Popcornopolis mixed with cheese and caramel corn and it was so good! Love their popcorn!
Thanks Liz for getting great seats and joining us! The girls had a blast together! Next is the Doodlebops! I can't believe our girls love the same groups! No one else we know really listens to either one.
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